Thursday, December 11, 2008

Two Dreams

A few weeks ago, the body of an Israeli hiker who had fallen into rapids in Peru was discovered, wedged under a rock, not far from where he had fallen, months later, after the water in the river had receded.
The night after reading about that, I dreamed that Asher's body had been recovered similarly. In my dream he had long, black straight hair and a long beard, though in reality Asher had short, light, curly hair, and was clean shaven. The figure in the dream, who was definitely "Asher," looked like a figure of Christ after he has been taken down from the cross.
Even though he had been under water for a long time, we started resuscitation, and he responded. "A medical miracle," someone shouted.
I woke up in fear.

In a dream last night I saw a child of about five, a child of mine.
I had come home from somewhere and found him with a terrible bloody wound on his face, between his eyes. The blood on his face was very bright red.
I hugged him and wanted to rush to the hospital with him, but he spoke calmly and said it had happened earlier, and he had taken care of it.
The "child" was Asher, and when I realized it was he, again I woke up in fear.

How strange it is to see someone in a dream, who doesn't look at all like the person you're dreaming of, but you know it's the same person.

1 comment:

Tamar Orvell said...

Resuscitation, hugging, dreaming. What a loving father you are. I cannot feel your pain, your loss though I can feel your steadfast love and devotion to Asher, stopping at nothing to protect, to rescue, to remember. I often wonder how you keep this blog open to us, and I think perhaps that keeping it open helps us to remember Asher, too.